

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

didn't have time to come online dese days... as expected though... sigh... so no new entries... anyway... here's some words to you ppl!!

To Shirley:
HANG ON, Gurl!!! dun get too stressed up!!!! JIA YOU!!! if aft much consideration you still think poly life suits you more, then dare to make that choice!!! you have my support!!! haha... dun brood over tis too much... really... =)

To Jocelyn:
your orientation is starting very very soon!!! so hang on dere too!!! u won't b tt bored once everything comes in.... all e bez arhxX!! =)

To Wee Loon:
Happie Belated Bdae!!! 17 le lo!!! heh hehx... hope tt i can send my wishes to you personally through sms but i dun hv ur contact!! :(
anyway...!!!! all e bez in ur poly life!!! everything is new sooo... jia you!!!~!!!

To Sandy:
afraid tt i may not hv e chance to cum online tmr... so... here's an early bdae greeting!!!! HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY!!!! haha.... e really guai girl, Sandy, is 17 soon.... [looking at e clock now... hmmm.. not really tt soon... lolx... bleahz... :P] you too, JIA YOU ORR!!!

i'm off.... ;) tc s17!!!

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